by madeyeyokai | May 3, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide
Kenny Riedell – Head Counselor

Click here to see how Kenny compares to other counselors.
Kenny is a balanced character who is the Jack of All Trades and Master of None. Being the head counselor at Camp Crystal Lake, Kenny has to wear many hats in getting the camp ready for the summer. Due to his background, Kenny is a great starter choice for players wanting to try a bit of everything and be able to fill in a gap the team might need. This character is a recommended choice for those who aren’t sure what their play style is and want to get a feel for the game.
Pros | Cons |
Can do everything and fill in any position the survivors need. | Jack of All Trades and Master of None. Can do any task for the group, but won't do it as good or fast compared to others. |
Great choice for beginning players. | Players may feel frustrated if they only stick to one play style with Kenny. |
Great for players who want to freestyle and do a mix of everything. | With the amount of possibilities for Kenny, players might find themselves hesitant to make a decision. |
by madeyeyokai | May 3, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide
Jenny Myers – The Girl Next Door

Click here to see how Jenny compares to other counselors.
The infamous survivor girl in horror movies has been reincarnated as Jenny Myers, the girl next door. With a high composure of 10, it will take a lot to unnerve this young lady. Jenny is great for support and solo. She does all the little things right her with luck and composure, so she can withstand being around the killer and gruesome scenes of death and mayhem. Jenny players also have a greater chance of escaping the killer with her stealth rating of 6. A good choice for those players wanting to answer the age old question, “Do they have what it takes to survive in a horror movie and become a final survivor girl?” Jenny should not attempt to engage the Jason-player in open combat since she has the weakest strength, and she should not attempt to repair vehicles or generators unless absolutely necessary. Jenny is the prime example that you don’t need to be the smartest or the strongest in order to survive a horror movie.
Pros | Cons |
Can tolerate the horrors of Camp Blood the most. Best equipped to face Jason without freaking out immediately. | Has difficulty repairing vehicles and generators. |
Very lucky so her weapons are less likely to break and she'll take less damage crawling over broken windows. | Not very fast compared to most counselors. (short distance runner). |
Has decent stealth so she can snoop around Camp Blood quietly and is less likely to be sensed by Jason. | Not strong. Will do the least amount of melee damage to Jason. |
by madeyeyokai | May 3, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide
Chad Kensington – The Preppy Guy

Click here to see how Chad compares to other counselors.
Chad is your classic lady’s man and preppy rich kid. If your girlfriend is hanging out with Chad, watch out. Girls want to date him and guys want to be him. Chad’s high luck rating makes him a unique character among his counselors in that he is less likely to injure himself after diving through windows, and less likely to have his weapon break, and less likely to trip even when he’s afraid. Chad’s luck and speed make him a great counselor to scout for supplies, bring back parts for a vehicle or kite Jason outside or through cabins. He can even give Jason the slip at times with his decent stealth skill. Due to his composure however, it’s not recommended that Chad be exposed to Jason for long periods of time or go near where Jason has recently killed. Chad can only take so much before his fear gets the best of him and players lose sight of their mini-map and surroundings. It is also not recommended that Chad-players attempt to repair vehicles or generators unless they have no other option.
Pros | Cons |
The luckiest guy alive. Less likely to have his weapon break and less likely to take damage crawling over broken windows. | Can't handle the terrors of Camp Blood or stand the sight of Jason. Takes very little for Chad to panic. |
Very fast and rivals the athletic girl for speed. Great for kiting Jason and searching for supplies. | Not very bright. Difficult to get any vehicles or generators fixed. |
Decent stealth skill so he won't make much noise and is less likely to be sensed by Jason. | Not very strong so won't do much damage to Jason and less likely to knock him out. |
by madeyeyokai | May 3, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide
Brandon ‘Buggzy’ Wilson – The Jock

Click here to see how Brandon compares to other counselors.
Being the captain of his school’s basketball team and football team, Buggzy is the strongest of all the counselors. What he lacks for in smarts he makes up for in strength. Buggzy is your best shot of doing the most damage and knocking Jason to the ground (temporarily). Players can also use Buggzy’s speed and stamina to kite Jason, scavenge cabins for parts, or do hit and run attacks on Jason. With Buggzy your best defense might be a good offense, but don’t get cocky. It won’t take a lot to frighten Buggzy and if he loses his cool he’ll be more likely to trip due to his low luck rating.
Pros | Cons |
Strongest counselor. Will do the most physical damage to Jason. | Not very bright, so it will take longer to repair vehicles and generators. |
Very fast and is great for kiting Jason and searching for supplies. | Poor luck so he's more likely go have his weapon break and get injured crawling through broken windows. |
High stamina allows him to run long distances. | Can keep his cool, but won't take much for Buggzy to panic. |
by madeyeyokai | May 3, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide
A.J. Mason – The Rocker Chick

Click here to see how A.J. compares to other counselors.
A.J. Mason is your punk rocker chick who has good taste in music. With her great stealth, intelligence, and composure, A.J. is great for players wanting to be a lone wolf and sneak quietly across the camp ground. Even if the bookish girl or the class clown are not nearby, A.J. could easily repair any vehicle or generator. Very similar to Adam Palomino, A.J. knows how to deal with stress and can remain calm despite seeing Jason killing people or the remains of one of her counselors – she doesn’t scare easily. Surviving the night as A.J. Mason will depend on you not being discovered by Jason in the open. With her low speed and stamina, she can be picked off easily if she has no place to hide and no one to protect her.
Pros | Cons |
Very sneaky and difficult to detect. | Terrible luck. More likely to have weapons break and get injured crawling through broken windows. |
Can repair vehicles faster than most counselors. | Not as fast and can't run long distance compared to most counselors. |
can tolerate being around Jason and seeing the horrors of Camp Blood. | Not very strong so she won't do much damage to Jason and less likely to knock him down. |
by madeyeyokai | May 2, 2017 | Friday The 13th Guide

Survival Tips for Counselors – Updated 6/11/2017
Beginning of a Match / Searching Cabins
- (NEW) You have a 5-second chance at the beginning of a match to run to your nearest cabin and barricade it. The Jason-player will likely be walking outside of his cabin in the first 5 seconds and then choose a place to morph after looking at his map. To reduce the chance of Jason morphing right on top of you when you’re exposed to the wilderness with no weapon, get inside a cabin within 5 seconds. Your stamina should recharge completely by the time you open and close a door or window. (Just make sure you don’t accidentally crash through a window).
- Shine your flashlight when outside. Although you might be able to see clearly on your computer screen or television, your flashlight will help illuminate the area and maintain your composure. If you’re tempting to hide from Jason outside however, know when to keep your flashlight on or off to avoid detection.
- (NEW) Be sure to shine your flashlight inside the cabins because although they have electricity, some objects you need to escape might be hidden in corners of the cabin where it’s dark.
- Lock doors behind you and barricade them before Jason catches up or shifts inside a cabin.
- Find a walkie talkie early and communicate with your teammates. Come up with a plan and act fast. Jason gets stronger over time, so the longer a match, the less likely you are to escape.
- (NEW) Let your teammates know when you’ve found an important item such as the fuse, gas, propeller, battery, and keys. If you’re about to die and you’re holding an important item, let your teammates know where your corpse can be found. Try to remember words or names you saw on your mini-map before you died. Remember, once you see the “You Died” screen, you can’t communicate with anyone except players who have already escaped or were killed.
- Communicate with your teammates and keep tabs on the Jason player. Letting your teammates know where the Jason-player is could give them time to move quickly across an area or repair a vehicle.
- (NEW) If you find extra items that you don’t need such as med spray, weapons, or a pocket knife. Let your teammates know where they can find them.
- Use your counselor’s strengths to help stay alive and figure out where you’re needed most. (Example: If you’re playing as Vanessa, don’t try to repair the vehicles or be stealthy. Focus on kiting Jason away from players or search cabins and retrieve items and drop them off at objective points).
- Watch your step around the car, boat, fuse box, and generators since Jason may have placed a trap nearby. Let your counselors know if you encounter traps near an objective item or near a particular cabin.
Defending Yourself and Outwitting Jason
- (NEW) Unless you’re next to a cabin when this occurs, pickup your weapon when you break free of Jason’s grab. Otherwise just run to a nearby cabin, lock the door, and find another weapon or hide.
- Unless you have a very high stealth rating, sticking with other counselors in the beginning is a good idea.
- (NEW) If you start hearing the Jason music and you hear footsteps inside a cabin, hold your breath. If you hold it for too long and mistake the timing, your character will let out a huge breath and the Jason player will hear you.
- (NEW) Placing a trap by the front door is a good way to buy yourself some time when you know the Jason-player is most likely to attack that door. Also when placing a bear trap by the door, approach the door from the sides rather than the front. This way you’ll be more likely to center the trap and prevent Jason from walking around it.
- (NEW) After stabbing Jason with a pocket knife, use your flares. If you time it just right where you wait 2 seconds once the pocket knife animation begins, you can throw your flares for a second stun, thus giving you more time to pick up your weapon and put some distance between you and the Jason-player.
- (NEW) If Jason smashes a car be sure to get out and attempt to hit him. If you successfully knock him down it will take him longer to stand back up compared to the time someone gets back in the car and starts it.
Street Smarts
- (NEW) Strength in numbers is your best bet for survival, but choose your partner wisely in the beginning. Don’t team with Vanessa when you’re a stealth type character with limited mobility such as A.J. Mason and Eric LaChappa. It’s best to partner up with someone who has similar stats to you so you can both run and have a chance at surviving.
- Pay attention to the “ki ki ki ma ma ma” audio throughout the game. This is an audio cue letting everyone know Jason gained a new ability and is stronger.
- Listen for the Jason music to know when he is nearby.
- (NEW) After 8 minutes into the match be careful and rotate your camera every so often. If Jason uses ‘Stalk’ he might be creeping right behind you and wouldn’t even know it. Also don’t exit a cabin immediately when it looks like Jason uses ‘Shift’. He may have stacked ‘Shift’ with ‘Stalk’ and is actually waiting right outside a cabin window or door to seize you. Talk to your teammates or listen to a death scream to confirm that Jason is not nearby so you can move freely.
- (NEW) If you’re playing as a speedy character and you have the option of leading Jason to a group of counselors, take some responsibility and lead the Jason-player away from the herd.
- (NEW) Tommy Jarvis will make the least amount of noise allowing you to be the most likely to sneak up on Jason. If you see Jason cornering counselors in a cabin, sneak up and shoot him from behind and help everyone escape. Remember, Tommy Jarvis was the hero in the series, so take action and save the day!
- If you have room in a vehicle and the opportunity to give your friends a lift, help out and let them in.
- Take caution using the boat if the Jason-player is Jason Parts VII (Enchained Jason) and VIII (Manhattan Jason). These Jasons can move slightly faster than the boat.
- Look for the radio tower connected to a cabin. Players can call Tommy Jarvis from this cabin and bring back a player who either escaped or was killed. Think of it as an extra life for your group.
- Running depletes your stamina gauge so keep an eye on it throughout the match. To recover your stamina, walk or crouch. Escaping Jason’s grasp will also replenish your stamina meter a little bit.
- (NEW) The quickest way to recover your stamina is to stand perfectly still and not move. Crouching even when you’re not moving will slowly replenish your stamina (unless you have crouch perks), but not as fast as standing perfectly still.
- If you’re character is freaking out, get inside an illuminated cabin, hold a weapon and shine your flashlight. This should help calm your character down and make you less likely to show up when Jason uses his ‘Sense’ ability.
- Be active! Repairing vehicles, calling Tommy Jarvis, calling the police, and hitting Jason (only as a last resort), earn you points you can use for upgrades in future matches.