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1-Year Checkup. Enter Year 2 Day 1
1-year checkup mark and an announcement
Today is the 1-year anniversary of when I quit my job and decided to pursue a career in the video game industry. I remember my first day of adventure networking, checking out games, and covering the Friday the 13th: The Game news updates announced at PAX East. Fast forward to 2018 and within one year I networked with game developers and producers, advertised a few games on the YouTube channel, played games with streamers in front of an audience of over 1,000 people, wrote an e-book, made my second game and posted it on my website, almost hit 3,000 subscribers on the YouTube page, learned intermediate video editing and game development skills, and best of all… landed my first job in the gaming industry.
My original goal in this journey was to start my own business or join a company related to gaming. I can finally announce that I will be teaching game development to high school students this summer at Digital Media Academy located at Harvard University. I’m really excited to work with the next generation of game developers and see what we can make within a short time. To prepare for the lessons I’m teaching certain concepts to family and friends to see if they can follow and make their own game. If possible, I would love to upload some tutorial videos as well for the public and my students, but I’m ironing out the production quality before I do so.
I would consider my 2018 goal of landing a job in the industry a success, and with that I need to revise my goals. By the end of my 2nd year, March 7th 2019, I hope to have landed a corporate job in the gaming industry and be able to continue YouTube after hours. To achieve this goal I’m switching up my daily schedule a bit to accommodate freelance work, online courses, YouTube content creation, and working on my portfolio.
One major thing I would like to fix
Putting out more videos on YouTube and just practicing with speed. One of the strengths of the channel is that I always try to post videos that have a unique idea or topic. But while I’m waiting for an idea, the industry is changing and I miss out on a lot of games. Livestreaming is becoming the norm and developers want the help of streamers to market their games. Sadly, I can’t livestream yet, but to practice finding my voice and commentary I will be posting lets plays with a face cam. I will post theory videos and tip videos, but only when I have a good idea I know will help others and generate a conversation. Until those ideas come though, I hope to provide more variety and branch out to other games through lets plays.
Wish me luck!