by madeyeyokai | Apr 29, 2017 | Blog posts
As promised, here are my current counselor stats charts for Friday The 13th The Game as of 4/25/2017. These charts are subject to change and I will do my best to keep them updated throughout the life cycle of this game. (4 charts). Keep in mind that these numbers aren’t everything, and there are mechanics determined by these numbers taking place in the background that affect the game. I will explain these mechanics in my next post.
I’m adding a strategy guide section for Friday The 13th The Game to and I’ll let you all know once that is up and running. This first image is the current stats chart for all camp counselors organized by name.

This next chart shows all of the camp counselors and their stats organized by trait. Everyone’s overall speed and stamina got buffed after the beta, so even if your character has low stamina and speed, don’t worry too much about it.

This third chart is the black and white version of the first – Counselor stats organized by name. This may be changed due to requests to a white text over black background so it’s easier on the eyes.

This 4th chart is the black and white version of the counselor stats for Friday The 13th organized by trait.
by madeyeyokai | Apr 15, 2017 | Blog posts
“Life is a journey. Not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
STAGE 1 – Complete
I’m pleased to announce that I completed my plan for STAGE 1 of the Mad-Eye Games business. The journey of breaking into the video game industry is long, but worth it. In the past 2 weeks I..
- Purchased new equipment so I can start designing and get access to better training.
- Designed a website (made our home base).
- Reached 1000 subscribers on YouTube (that took 8 months of posting one video every 10 days)
- Tested the podcast episode style and have come up with some new questions and a formula for interviews. (See the interview with Randy Greenback for details).
- Successfully tested my equipment and software for the upcoming Podcast
Overall it has been a good start, but we have a mountain to climb and one heck of a journey ahead.
STAGE 2 – In Progress / Finding Balance
There are some daily challenges ahead in my journey to break into the video game industry. Some of these include…
The truth is it’s easy when you are working for a boss and have strict deadlines. Either you make the deadlines or you fail a course, get scolded or worse…they show you the door. Working solo though, you’re responsible for staying on track to get the work done and measure your progress.
I’m juggling a lot and wearing many hats while trying to get this business off the ground. I Make YouTube videos, teach myself how to design games, Write (secret project to be revealed soon ^_-) , stay active on social media, keep up with the news, and learn from people more experienced than me. most important of all is…
- Getting outside and being social
This would seem obvious, but an internet business can be time consuming and isolating. I have to make sure I’m getting outside of the house each day for a few hours and be meeting people. I recently joined a board game club and a Japanese conversation club, so those get me out of the house.
Just as important is getting exercise! Whether it be weight lifting or jogging, I got to stay mentally and physically fit. 
The Challenges Ahead in Stage 2
My next big goal for the blog is to launch my own podcast and make the episodes available on the website. The equipment is ready, but now it’s time to do research on all of my targets and design it so not only my viewers benefit, but the people I interview as well. After I interview 13 people, I’ll start uploading them once a week to start. We’ll go from there and yes I take requests.
- Developing a niche for the YouTube channel and upload schedule:
For the past 8 months, I dedicated my channel to promoting Friday The 13th the game, (an amazing game in my opinion from the BETA) scheduled to release sometime in Early 2017. In the process of covering the game, I made lots of friends, became a part of a wonderful community, and discovered the kind of person I want to become 10 years from now. I’m looking at you Wes Keltner. ^_- I love YouTube and Friday The 13th, but the game will not last forever. I want to share not only my indie games with people, but the creations of others to expand our gaming palettes. So I’m planning what games to play and an upload schedule I can adhere to without going insane. Wish me luck! That’s all for this week. See you soon! – Adam